Quando era in funzione caricava il grano dalle navi che, tramite un pontile, veniva immagazzinato nei locali.
Interessato da molte ipotesi di progetto, da albergo a facoltà universitaria a contenitore culturale a museo della storia italiana a terminal crocieristico, è però vincolato da una serie di obblighi di rispetto stilistico e costruttivo non semplici da rispettare nell'ottica di una ristrutturazione completa. Ne consegue che... é abbandonato ormai dagli anni '70. Quasi mezzo secolo.
The silos Hennebique was a granary deposit. It was built in the late 800. It opened in 1901 bearing the name of the entrepreneur who developed the invention of reinforced concrete. It was one of the first in the world, built with this technique, of this size, it is in fact more than two hundred meters long.
When it was running it loaded grain from ships, through a wharf, to be stored on the premises.Many projects have been studied for the reuse of the bulding: from hotel to university faculty, the Italian history museum, a cruise terminal. However, it has a large number of stylistic and constructive obligations to be respected and therefore ... it is abandoned from the 70s. Almost half a century.
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